About Us

17 Years of Expertise: With a rich history, we have honed our skills and adapted to industry changes, ensuring our clients receive cutting-edge solutions.

Industry-Wide Challenges: We understand the common challenges prevalent in today's business landscape, including production surplus, homogenization, and increased marketing expenses.

Client-Centric Approach: Our sole objective is to help clients enhance brand packaging recognition and increase product premiumization. We are committed to addressing their unique needs and challenges.

Growth Symbiosis: We grow when our clients grow. Our success is intricately linked to the expansion of our clients' businesses. We thrive on assisting them in navigating growth, and our growth is a testament to theirs.

At Yi Jia Xin, we are more than a fabric packaging design and production enterprise; we are solution providers committed to turning challenges into opportunities. Join us on this journey as we continue to innovate, collaborate, and contribute to the success of our clients.



2006: Company Establishment in Shenzhen Founded in 2006 in Shenzhen, a pioneer city in China's external opening-up, our company embarked on a journey into the world of custom fabric packaging.

2008: Focus on Fabric Packaging By 2008, our business had achieved stability. Recognizing the potential in fabric packaging, we solidified our commitment to this niche, making it the core focus of our business development.

2011: First Expansion In 2011, our company underwent its first significant expansion, reaching a workforce of 84 individuals, a testament to the success of our fabric packaging business.

2013: Global Business Direction By 2013, 30% of our business originated from China, while 70% came from countries outside China. This pivotal moment marked the determination to steer the company towards global business development.

2015: Recognition in Innovation In 2015, products designed by our company secured third place in the China Packaging Innovation Design Competition, showcasing our commitment to innovative solutions.

2016: Second Expansion The year 2016 witnessed our second expansion, with the workforce increasing to 275 people, further reinforcing our position in the fabric packaging industry.

2019: Third Expansion In 2019, our company underwent a third expansion, growing to a team of 483 individuals, reflecting sustained growth and demand for our custom fabric packaging solutions.

2020: Challenges Amidst Pandemic In 2020, the global business landscape was reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our business faced a sharp decline, and the workforce reduced to 269 people.

2021: Design-Driven Future In 2021, responding to challenges, we formed a dedicated design team, outlining a long-term plan to drive business development through design innovation.

2022: International Recognition In 2022, products designed by our company achieved second place in the Japan Packaging Innovation Competition, solidifying our reputation on the international stage.

2023: Ongoing Innovation and Client-Centric Approach In 2023, we continued to enhance our design team and elevate service standards. With a focus on cost-saving for clients and premium packaging as the design goal, we aimed to provide innovative solutions that add value to our clients' products.


Company Exterior

Factory Area: 92,600 square feet

Sewing Workshop, 264 Sewing Machines

Advanced Computerized Embroidery Equipment

Fabric Warehouse: Regularly stocked with over 160,000 yards of fabric.

Mold warehouse: more than 3,800 sets of molds of various styles/sizes accumulated in 17 years